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Grace Slaven
4 min read
The novelty of a new place is often the people who live there. Every city has its own culture. The mores of different regions shape an...

Grace Slaven
5 min read
Gentle Nature
Once, a volcano erupted. It hurled chaos. Boulders were flung, mountains overturned, the sky split. And then there was silence. Now the...

Grace Slaven
4 min read
Bloom Where You’re Planted
“Real travel requires a maximum of unscheduled wandering, for there is no other way of discovering surprises and marvels, which, as I see...

Grace Slaven
4 min read
A Symphony of Sights
Sometimes you encounter a day that makes you believe in a higher power. Perhaps you sense divine protection. Perhaps you discover...

Grace Slaven
4 min read
The Secrets of Death Valley
A hot air balloon dotted the blue sky like an exclamation point as we climbed into the car. It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, and we...

Grace Slaven
3 min read
A Day of Rest
Sometimes you just need a day to rest. After 2 busy days traveling through California, we felt ourselves needing a breather. We were...

Grace Slaven
3 min read
The Foggy Island
We shivered as our boat cut through the early morning waves. A chilly, wet fog wrapped around us with a density that would terrify a...

Grace Slaven
4 min read
A Land of Sand and Snow
The trees were certainly the theme of our first day in California. We left the land of shivering maples and leftover snow, trading it for...
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